If you’re on the LA private schools admissions circuit right now, say AYE!
I was lucky enough to attend and graduate from The Buckley School –– where the teachers held Stanford degrees and PhDs. The education and the lifelong friendships from such an intimate and private community were invaluable — and I hope to gift my own kids with the same luxury. I have to say though, I’m not sure that I would be admitted if I was to apply today. These LA schools’ admissions process is a [bleepin’] racket these days.
LA Private Schools
The Center for Early Education, for example, had 178 applicants one year with only 16 spots available. That’s a whole lot of rejections mailed out on Black Friday.
My husband and I are in the midst of figuring out where our older girl will be attending kindergarten — and it feels like the college applications all over again. Our future awaits conversations of touring, tuition, interviews, testing, letters of recommendations, feeder schools, financial aid applications, wait lists, rejection letters — and so on. Too many stress inducing parallels for the parent to think about.
If you didn’t grow up in LA, the interview / touring process could be especially intimidating. What charter, magnet, LA private schools are out there? When do you tour? How much does it cost? What should you say in the interview?
One of my favorite blogs that I check out regularly is Beyond The Brochure. Christina Simon, Anne Simon and Porcha Dodson are three women in the know — and they have done the homework for us so we don’t have to. It’s Cliffs Notes for Parents (with loads of smart insider tips in the footnotes!) on how to demystify and navigate the insanity. (They not only answer all the questions listed above, but they give you an early heads up on all the admissions related school events/seminars/fairs around town.)
All moms say that they don’t have time to read in their time deficient days — and I get it. But if you’re looking for time saving strategies, then read this blog — or pick up their book with the same name. It will save you hours of headache and unnecessary stress. What was once seemingly overwhelming and and daunting becomes approachable and digestible. Like I said. Cliffs Notes.
If you’re brand new to the blog, start by checking out Beyond The Brochure’s recommended starter links. They’re must reads if you want to be in the know about LA private schools.
Now kick back and exhale, read and relax. They will hold your hand while you do.

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[…] Mom (or Bret Easton Ellis Less Than Zero) sort of way. In a previous post I wrote about LA PRIVATE SCHOOLS, I mentioned that I was fortunate to attend The Buckley School “where the teachers held Stanford […]
[…] blogged about them before. beyond the brochure is always an informative and fun read for those on the L.A. private school […]
[…] 6. Pacifica “Persian Rose” all natural perfume :: as suggested by Christina Simon (writer, blogger, brain behind Beyond The Brochure) […]