When I was tasked with this writing assignment, I may or may not have too eagerly jumped at the chance as I’m burned out by reading the news. I vacillate daily on whether to curl into a stress ball hoping the midterms will see a blue wave — or get out there and actually canvas the neighborhood.
Either way, both of these exercises would be well served if done behind a big pair of fashionable sunnies. I think they may, in fact, be the most important weapon in a gal’s arsenal. Especially a busy mama’s.
No time to shower, let alone put on any makeup? Grab your trusted pair of sunnies and out the door with you. Still in your athleisure wear but haven’t seen the inside of a gym (or the underside of a hairbrush) for a week? Grab your trusted pair of sunnies and out the door with you. You actually wore “real” clothes but then they seemingly served as a stand-in for your child’s napkin (or worse, hankie)? Grab your trusted pair of sunnies and out the door with you. See a theme here folks?
Saint Laurent

Barton Pereira

I apologize that one of these pairs is about 4 times more than all 3 of the pairs I bought combined, but really, with a kick-ass pair of sunnies on your beautiful face, you needn’t really care much about spending on the rest of your wardrobe.