I’ve been dealing with bad headaches over these past couple of weeks. Perhaps it’s the change in weather, perhaps it’s the roofers, perhaps it’s the falling leaves. I always aim to avoid going the Advil route and first try natural ways to get rid of headaches! These are my secrets!
Peppermint Oil
Not only is Pepppermint Essential Oil suitable and effective as a natural digestive remedy, but it’s also been known to alleviate headaches. My yoga instructor would place it on our temples, forehead and at the back of our necks — and it was my favorite part of the hour. Calming, but invigorating.
So, if your head is throbbing and you’re looking for Tylenol alternatives, then keep a bottle in your purse/manbag. And when you’re in need, dab some in those aforementioned areas — or put a few drops in the palm of your hands, rub your hands together — and then take a delicious whiff. mmm. So good!
There are a million different brands out there. NOW, Aura Cacia, doTerra, Healing Solutions. Just go to your local Whole Foods of Erewhon and pick one — they will all do the trick.
Lavender Oil
Another great essential oil. It can be inhaled or applied topically.
To apply topically, drop 1-4 drops on your fingers and massage onto your forehead, back of neck and temples.
To use it via inhalation, use 2-4 drops in 2-3 cups of boiling water. Be careful not to burn your face.
Ginger Tea
Buy fresh ginger from any of your markets. Crush up about an inch and add it to boiling water. Drink up! Ginger is a wonderful remedy to reduce all sorts of inflammation.
Acupressure on the nose
Apply pressure with both index fingers, on each side of the nose. Hold for 3 minutes.
Acupressure on your hands
Find the webbing of your hand between the thumb and index finger. Place your thumb on top of the fleshy part of the opposite hand and the index finger on the bottom portion. Hold until it hurts.
Avoid foods that trigger headaches
MSG, artificial sweeteners, food additives, extremely cold foods (ice cream), foods containing nitrates, allergens (common allergenic foods include gluten, dairy, peanuts, soy, dairy).
Stay hydrated
Drink lots of warm water to stay hydrated. (Cold water can trigger headaches and is rough on the digestive system.)
Massage Therapy
This is my favorite sort of tension relief! Massages ease muscle spasms, relieve muscle tensions and improve oxygen circulation, which helps alleviate pain.
My favorite places to get massages in Los Angeles are at the CIEL SPA at the SLS HOTEL and at STACY COX’S PAMPERED PEOPLE.

Yoga / Meditation
Engage in stress-reducing activities such as yoga or meditation. Practice deep breathing. Here is a great post by my dear friend and fellow blogger, Plum Joyful.

+++ Good luck, feel better and Happy Holidays!!