Here is my list of the best lifestyle blogs out there! Yes, there are so many lifestyle, health+wellness, DIY, mommy blogs out there these days– but when these gurus’ newsletters come in, I always click open!
+ Margaret Zhang covers everything from fashion to travel and culture. Her photos are mesmerizing and the layout is divine and she is utterly gorgeous. And a law student. What?!
+ I’ve mentioned the blog CUP OF JO a trillion times. Any ‘best of’ list, she’s on. Joanna Goddard just has it down to a science and I feel like her blogs were written specifically for me. Exactly of my demo and dead on with respect to my interests. Love it and love the photog.
+ She’s known mainly for being a natural health guru – but she’s a lifestyle guru to me. She embodies all that’s clean and pure, healthy and happy, dishing tips on belly health, earth and vegan friendly fashion and how to get get the sludge out of your body. And she’s a mom now – so the best part is she’s starting to reveal her healthy parenting practices!
+ Jordan Younger was notoriously reprimanded for being The Blonde Vegan who became a non-vegan after she realized that an animal-free diet was no longer working for her and her body’s needs. Her former fans became angry – but along the way, she gained a whole slew of new followings who relished her healthy practices and the bravery and honesty she embraced.

+ HBFIT stands for Health. Beauty. Fitness. Or Hannah Bronfman Beauty Fitness. She’s rad and fit, hip and beautiful — and reps all that is youthful energy and kickass girl power. My friend Jackie introduced her to me. And Hannah Bronfman is what we can “fresh!”
+ Katie, the wellness mama – is everything good and amazing. Her methods of living, parenting, breathing, practicing – are nothing short of aspirational and inspirational. I follow her lead, or at least try to, on many of my practices of living. From beauty to parenting to mind/body healing. Give it to the Wellness Mama.
+ The chic and colorful destination for fashion, food, parenting and DIY lifestyle inspiration. Emily Schuman lives a life of luxury.

+ I want to be her. She’s chic and fabulous and beautiful and captivates all that is grace, simplicity, beautiful and clean living. She lives a gorgeously green life — and offers up a basket of tried and true wellness successes. Check out her books on living gorgeously green! Worship her!
| GOOP |
+ I know it’s too easy, but I have to add Gwynnie because she does it all so well. The demo is more upper echelon than I can pretend to be — but all that she does and the way she does it is an inspiration toward aesthetic perfection. From beauty and fitness and fashion — to alternative medicine, nutrition and anti-aging, Goop’s got the inside scoop.
+ Their site is a perfectly curated blend of the best of DIY, home design, interior/exterior designing, meal ideas and makeup tips. It’s run by Elsie and Emma – a beautiful super creative sister duo. Their stuff is so fun – you get lost in your clicks before you realize your morning passed you by. But it’s worth every click!

+++ That’s all I’ve got for now. I hope you enjoyed my list of the best lifestyle blogs 2018 out there! Check back for my interview with the beautiful professional wellness junkie, THE BALANCED BLONDE coming on up!