If you’ve read any parent blog before you know one thing to be true and if you’ve read my guest posts before then you know two things: 1) traveling with a toddler can oft times be a nightmare and 2) having no family within 2000 miles makes that nightmare a reality at least four times a year if you want said toddler to recognize their kin. But what I’ve finally figured out is that you can use the latter fact to your benefit to make the former less of an arduous task. Ladies (and possibly one gent) may I present you with …
The Lazy Mom’s Guide to Traveling With a Toddler
Step 1) Tell your family you would like to brave the idea of being stuck in a flying tin can for more than 5 hours to see them.
Step 2) Let them do the rest.
At first blush, this seems like a rather bitchy and presumptuous way to make a trip take form, but here is why it’s not: if your family is more than 2000 miles away, they escape unscathed from any last minute calls to babysit, run to the store, pick someone up from school, help with the laundry, feed your children, or do anything else that might require a reorganization of their day/week/life. And they still get the joy of FaceTiming your cute little. Since you don’t call in the small favors on the daily, this allows you to call in a big one once a year. Guilt free. To make this as easy as possible on yourself (and on the hosting family member), I send a list:
1. What needs to be installed (a car seat), where that can be done (the local fire station usually helps out here)** and what your little one might actually eat these days (basically any form of carbohydrate or cheese).
2. Then simply pack your bags, toss in your trusty CARES restraint system that fits in your carry on and is FAA approved to safely allow fly your toddler sans car seat, and pretend like you’re once again footloose and fancy free. It actually makes traveling enjoyable again and makes you feel as if you’ve taken a break from your usual routine.
I did this for our last minute spring break jaunt to see the in-laws, without my lawfully wedded hubs. Without having a stroller to push, a bag to lug or toys to carry, the trip was a dream. C and I watched airplanes take off, we talked about the geography of the United States, we laughed. I genuinely enjoyed my son’s company. Almost made me think we didn’t need the vacation in the first place.

+ And it also eliminates a potential trip to the fire station, though you may or may not be happy about that depending on what your firefighter calendar looks like 😉
Link to this amazing product is HERE. I took it with us on our travels abroad for the holidays. It was a breeze to set up and to carry because, wait for it…IT FITS IN MY PURSE. Game changer.
[…] disappoint — the WOW CUP really is SPILL / LEAK PROOF. Plus, my kids love using it! My older toddler has been using this since she was 2 — and my baby has been using this since she was 6 […]