You heard it here first! Camel Milk is being promoted as the newest beverage for those living a holistic lifestyle, offering a slew of health benefits and medicinal properties — and serving as the mighty weapon against many human ailments and illnesses. And I believe it. It is probably one of the most wholesome foods out there right now.

But, I know. I get it. It sounds weird to you. What? Milk from a camel? The 2 humped creature?
Well, it’s true — and it has in fact been used as a natural remedy for centuries in the Middle East, Asian and North African cultures. It’s just taken a while for us to catch on – as it does with most medicinal and beauty remedies. I’ve been seeing the DESERT FARMS brand at WHOLE FOODS and BRISTOL FARMS but have been too scared to take the plunge.
Up until now! After seeing all the benefits and healing properties of the drink touted in medical literature, that pretty much signed me up — and now I love giving it to my girls and my mom as well!

Plus, I saw that they have great discounts if you buy it online from their website. I’ve been using this brand in particular since it’s the best and cleanest and it ships nationwide.
More About Camel Milk
Camel Milk been used to treat Type 1 diabetes, strengthen cellular immune response — and is high in something called lactoferrin which has antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-tumor properties. Plus, it has been proven to reduce allergic responses in kids. And for those who are sensitive to dairy, one cup of this magic has over 200 different proteins and is much easier for the body to digest.
Because of this and all the aforementioned awesomeness, their loyal drinkers have been the lactose intolerant and those with belly issues, the autistic community (who have been gaining great benefit!), people with diabetes, those with food allergies and all the super health conscious folks out there especially out here in Los Angeles.
My aim for even trying it is because I love packin’ a punch into my kid’s snacks. So if I can slide in even more vitamins, minerals, etc. into my girls’ glasses of milk and their protein smoothies, then awesome! And they say camel milk is the closest thing to human breast milk! Fill those bottles up! Oh, and it’s great for my mom’s arthritis and preventive measures against Alzheimer’s.
I tried DESERT FARMS because their products are gluten free, non GMO, hormone free, raw, natural and grass fed, providing an excellent source of calcium and Vitamin B12, C, D and iron. My kids just like it because they think it tastes super darn delicious. “I LIKE IT! I LIKE IT! ICE CREAM MILK!” Taja (my 2 year old) kept cheerfully shouting.

I’m pretty psyched. I’ll be making camel milk chocolate milk, smoothies, ice cream!!!! My life just got a little sweeter.
Oh, and here’s the skinny! It’s only 110 calories….40 calories less than regular milk AND with a whole lotta life saving and beautifying benefits! (Did I mention the alpha hydroxy in camel milk helps eradicate fine lines?) Less calories but MORE vitamins and nutrients and healing properties? Welcome to Miracle Milk!
And you’re going to think I’m crazy — but I just got their mask and moisturizer. And I can’t wait to give it a whirl. Update on that soon!
Taja lets you know her thoughts on camel milk here!
Disclosure: This post is a special partnership with and sponsorship by Desert Farms. Opinions are always mine and I only work with companies that are in line with the vision of my blog.