There may be a slew of reasons for not getting the best REM inducing sleep our bodies need – despite how important it is for our health. Too hot, too cold, too quiet, too loud, too bright, too stressed! I do everything I can to amplify my sleep experience – from not drinking caffeine in the afternoon, taking my magnesium, blacking out the windows — and I just took it up a notch by adding wool bedding by Woolroom.
I have been using their mattress pad, duvet and cushy pillows — and my nights (and days) have never been happier.
I’m not super high maintenance except when it comes down to making sure I have a solid 7-9 hours of sleep (oh, and asking for my dressing on the side). But it’s what sets you up for the rest of the day. So I recently swapped out our feathers and did some research on the exact benefits of using wool bedding.
Sleep quality plays an instrumental role in the overall wellness of our lives, whereby a good sleep can help facilitate a normal circadian rhythm and thus lessen fatigue and improve physical regeneration. – NIH
The wool is temperature regulating — so you’re never too hot or too cold. It’s also hypoallergenic and dust mite resistant. Plus, research shows wool bedding can help provide up to 25% more stage four regenerative sleep since it has the ability to regulate heat and keep your body temperature at its optimum level.
I am someone who is always cold — so this has been icing on the cake for me. One tug at the cover to pull over me — and I’m in heaven.
Several previous studies have suggested that mattress material can affect sleep quality. [P.R.] Dickson noted increased sleep quality of human participants sleeping on natural wool. – NIH
They’re also passionate about actively making positive changes for the planet. Wool is already environmentally-friendly (Woolroom bedding is made from 100% British wool), but The Woolroom has added traceability and eco-friendly packaging into the mix.
The bedding is encased in organic cotton bed linen. As an FYI, non-organic cotton uses 16% of the world’s insecticides and 24% of the world’s pesticides, putting our environment at risk! By using an organic alternative, that impact is dramatically reduced.
As standard, wool is a natural, sustainable, renewable and biodegradable fibre. By making our products traceable, we’re ensuring that our wool is sourced from farms that match our ethical values. – The Woolroom
Wool is hypoallergenic, meaning it provides fewer threats to those who suffer allergies (like me!). And there has been scientific research that dust mites can’t survive for long periods of time in wool.
I am no longer waking up with a stuffy head — and that has been a game-changer to getting me out the door.
The natural fibers in wool absorb and desorb moisture creating a dry environment which is hostile to the growth of bacteria, fungus and dust mites among other things. – The Woolroom
Side note: If you google ‘dust mites and wool’ (which I did), you’ll find many studies from the 70s contradicting this. Note that this research offered on a tropical island where temperatures were 100°F+ with high humidity.
But rest assured that The Woolroom has the Allergy UK Seal of Approval across all of their adult and kids bedding ranges.
Wool also absorbs harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds) floating all around us – from car exhausts, paints, glues, plastics or cleaning products. Wool actually traps the horrible toxins and keeps them trapped in its fibers. They clean the air around you while you sleep. Get a spider plant in your room, and you’re golden!
Convenience is absolutely key to me as a super busy working mom — and I’m sure it is to you too. Just rip everything off the bed and throw it in the wash! It’s as simple as that!

+ And there you go! I recommend wool bedding, wholeheartedly — and especially from The Woolroom! They have a special offer going on — so try it now!