health and wellness



Welcome to my list of the best lifestyle podcasts you need to hear. As a career mom, wife, martial artist and blogger – my “free” hours are limited.  Any sort of educational enlightenment happens during my drives to and from work — and those hours are consumed by audiobooks, belting out duets with my girls and these podcasts below.  I binge on words that educate me in the fields of science, entrepreneurialism and offer up words on self-betterment.

What gages whether or not a podcast will make it to my must-hear subscription queue is whether they are educational and entertainment dense. Will they create more brain folds and up my life – or will they be mastering my life in the art of time suckage instead?

These do more than satisfy the prerequisites. I got a chance to connect with some of my favorite podcasters and heed their words on why they started their podcast in the first place. Here we go with the best lifestyle podcasts of 2021!




+ KIMCHI + CHALLAH brings you an in-depth and inspiring podcast for anyone striving to become the best version of themselves. Join co-hosts celebrity master trainer and business coach, ASHLEY BORDEN and blogger, black belt, entrepreneur and mom, ELAINE SIR (aka yours truly!) as they are joined by cultural influencers, entrepreneurs, pro-athletes and musicians to get the how and why of everyone’s story.

kimchi and challah podcast | BEST LIFESTYLE PODCASTS 2021


+ TSC Him and Her Podcast is my place of happy — and an inspirational stop where the fab Lauryn Evarts and her husband, Michael Bosstick reinforce into your psyche that you can pursue any dream and squash your inhibitions. This is a perfect and spiritually delicious podcast that covers health, wellness, beauty and career/entrepreneurship. And I get out of my car feeling revived and hopeful.  I just wish she aired an episode every day.

It’s my Beverly Hills 90210 of today. I never miss an episode!

We created The Skinny Confidential Him & Her podcast because we saw that people were getting sick of a picture on an Instagram feed with a caption. It isn’t enough anymore & is no longer an intimate way to connect with the audience. We made a conscious decision to get ahead of the curve & not focus on where we were, but where we were going. We always say it’s important to evolve with the audience & podcasting is completely for the audience. It saves them time & respects their time because they can listen & learn on the go. I see podcasting as being such new terrain & something that’s going to be absolutely huge in the next 4 years. Podcasting is & will be the new way to consume content.

Knowing that, my husband Michael decided to create his own female-focussed network because he saw that women podcasters weren’t getting the same focus that men were. He saw this ‘white space’ so created Dear Media with The Digital Brand Architects with plans to disrupt the podcast space. – Lauryn Evarts

best podcasts include lauryn evarts at the skinny confidential

+ This is one you don’t want to miss! Beyond Influential is one of the top-rated business podcasts on iTunes and is hosted by the brilliant and beautiful personal branding expert, Brittany Krystle. She delves deep and takes a look at the power of influence by talking to the thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and creatives who exercise that power.

Beyond Influential is easily the best, most rewarding, and most enjoyable part of my business. I didn’t care if the market  was “saturated” or not, I knew I had a unique perspective to bring to the table and that it was worth sharing no matter how many people listened to it.

I started Beyond Influential at a time when I had been listening to a lot of popular podcasts and frequently found myself thinking of questions I would have asked, or topics that I wanted them to go deeper on—which is when I realized it was time to create my own space to have the meaningful, no-bs, actionable conversations I wanted to have with curated guests who have important knowledge to share.

I’ve been able to use my genuine curiosity to ask new questions guests haven’t been asked before and facilitate one-of-a-kind discussions with people I admire, in a way that benefits everyone, not just myself. I love being able to bring that value to my audience while elevating the voices of influential people across industries—both the ones you know and the up-and-coming ones you should know. – Brittany Krystle


Brittany Krystle personal branding expert

+ New York Times Best Selling author and School of Greatness podcast host, Lewis Howes is doing something incredible.  He’s a former professional football player turned inspirational speaker who carries his confidence with gratitude and modesty.  SUCH a careful balance.  Even The White House and President Obama have offered him accolade and recognized him as one of the top entrepreneurs in the country under 30.  An obvious choice.

Lewis Howes’ podcast isn’t about him being great — it’s his guided ushering on how YOU can be greater.  His past guests have included health and fitness expert, Mark Sisson, Shawn Stevenson (see below), Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Dr. Mark Hyman, Alanis Morisette (I fell in love with her all over again after this interview) – among a slew of other top lifestyle and cultural leaders.  You need to tune in.  He’s pretty…shall we say.  GREAT.

“When I first moved to LA from New York, I was spending a ton of time sitting in traffic. I realized that everyone around me needed something great to listen to. I knew a lot of great people I wanted to learn from. So I started a podcast to learn and share from the best.” – Lewis Howes

best podcasts you need to hear



+ How I Built This is another fab fave where I am sure to never skip an episode. You learn the hows, the whys, the ups and the downs. He has interviewed everyone from the founders of Soulcycle and Stacy’s Pita Chips, Burt’s Bees and Burton Snowboards, Whole Foods and so much more. Every episode is a crash course in business — and by the end of the episode, you’ve learned your MBA in how to build something… from nothing.



How did I not know until recently that he was the funniest person alive!?

He exposes amazing and hilarious vulnerabilities of his guests (and himself). And is so brilliant and well-versed in the areas of politics, acting, sobriety and so much more.

He has great interviews with Mayor Eric Garcetti, Jason Bateman (I mean…do not miss!), Mila Kunis, Amy Schumer. And they’re all in the 2-hour range. None of that 20-minute podcast bs!



+ If you strive for superhuman qualities, then come on in.  Dave Asprey brings in the best-in-the-business guests – and spills the beans on all his own biohacking tricks — from his bulletproof coffee nourishment, infrared sauna practices and stress hacking know-hows.  He ushers us on a path to supercharging our minds and bulletproofing our lives.  The best part is that he practices what he preaches and lives a kickass empowered life and is keeping the 100 lbs he lost…forever off.  Why wouldn’t you be sold?

I became obsessed with his podcast once his bulletproof coffee started seeping into the cultural ether.  It made me inquisitive about all of his life hacking tricks since his bulletproof coffee was delivering its promises of mental alertness, high energy (without jitters) and an obliteration of pesky sugar cravings.

I’ve been making it almost every morning despite the time limitations inherited by getting a million things done all before I’m out the door at 6:45 am every morning.

“I started Bulletproof Radio to provide information, techniques and keys to help people perform at their very best. I wanted a place listeners could come to be inspired and learn to take control of and improve their biochemistry, body and mind so they work in unison, helping them execute at levels far beyond what they would expect – without burning out, getting sick or allowing stress to control decisions.” – Dave Asprey

photo courtesy of BULLETPROOF



+ Kimberly Snyder has one of the loveliest and approachable demeanors.  She’s a Georgetown grad, a NYT bestselling author, a stunning yogini,  a practice-what-she-preaches nutrition and beauty expert, a world traveler, an unbeatable and empowered businesswoman (I love her Kimberly Snyder branded SBO probiotics and take them daily!) — and the girl’s girl whom you can trust.  You know, the one who has your back.  I love her perfected casual conversational style, her joyful laughs – and her confidence in her approach.

Kimberly Snyder is her own best PR.  She’s an appreciator of life – and that’s the best kind of life expert.  Plus, wouldn’t want to radiate like her….or any of her clients.  Like Drew Barrymore, Kerry Washington, Reese Witherspoon, Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan…shall I go on?

I’ve also devoured all of her books. They give you a full-scope view of nourishing your mind AND the body and the interconnections between the two.  Pick them up.

For me, I decided not to take the easier route of writing a more straight forward book about just specific foods, but I felt a calling to dive deeper into offering what I saw as the biggest need all around me: for women and people everywhere to understand that health and our weight and our beauty are based in other factors than just simply what is on our fork or how we work out. Namely the role of our mind, which affects everything from our gut health, to our digestion, to food cravings, to the actual shape of our body through our repeated thoughts and beliefs. – Kimberly Snyder

feel good lifestyle podcast


+ Now this is a great one. It comes from the publishers of Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Press and  You’re delivered advice from the all the best minds in business and management.  Their guests and subjects range from YAHOO!’s Marissa Mayer, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg, Dr. Ruth Westheimer — and a variety of the top professors and authors, internationally.  Dig in.



+ All hail the queen!

JJ Virgin is a 4 time NYT bestselling author — and she should be.  She will change your life if you obey her words.

JJ Virgin suffered one of the greatest scares any woman could undergo which was almost losing her child.  Even though she was on the right track before — her life and its priorities were straightened without any degree of forgiveness after her world was almost shattered.  She now makes it her purpose to live a life of self-empowerment and betterment.  And in so doing – she has made it her loud mission to serve others and lead them on a path to living a resilient, fuller and more colorful life as well.

If you have food sensitivities and gut issues (or want to lose a few pounds) – you need to familiarize yourself with this woman.  She holds your hand as you conquer your food intolerances, sugar cravings and overall human weaknesses.  By helping you get your health in line – she gets helps you get your life in line.  Check out her Sugar Impact Diet and don’t miss a podcast episode!  They’re educational and succinct – making her tips so ridiculously easy to follow.

“I am always looking for ways to serve my community better as well as feature some of my amazing friends and peers in our health and personal development community so a podcast was a natural next step!” – JJ Virgin

best podcasts you need to hear | JJ VIRGIN


+ This man was born to lead — and despite his fortunate face and physicality, he was born for radio (or I guess we can say – in today’s day – podcasts).  That VOICE and the words that emanate from them are unbeatable.  Shawn Stevenson is a powerful messenger and was put on this earth for huge reasons.

Shawn Stevenson is our own personal trainer (for free!) in charge of your mind and your body.  He convinces us that we are all amazing. In addition, he’s on a mission to make us the GREATEST version of ourselves which can be accessed through smart nutrition, physical exercise, and a transformational mindset.  And he does so successfully.

He reminds me — that regardless of what friends have said about me behind my back, mocking my aspirations — and regardless of how much I want to sit in sadness or dwell about it – I won’t let anyone or anything hold me back.  Use anything you experience to be greater.

Be bigger.

Let go of the past, learn from past adversities and see them as gifts of opportunity to serve and be a better person.  Stop holding onto excuses and move forward.  Lead with compassion and listen.  Invest in people and have them invest in you.  “Circulate that energy,” he tells us.  His words are always powerful. And more importantly, doable.

Shawn Stevenson is a true holistic coach, tackling everything about the whole person:  from nutrition, fitness, lifestyle and the spiritual mind.

He has a great book out called  SLEEP SMARTER: 21 Essential Strategies to Sleep Your Way to a Better Body, Better Health, and Bigger Success and this too is his methodology on how you can better your life.

“I created The Model Health Show to fill an important space in the health field. I was driven to make complex health issues ultra simple for everyone, and deliver it in a way that was fun, engaging, and leaving people feeling empowered.” – Shawn Stevenson

a black man in a white shirt
best podcasts you need to hear


There is no greater connoisseur.  Terry Gross has an unbeatable knack for conversation and she should be everyone’s cultural ambassador.  I’ve listed her podcast as one of My Favorite Things from last year — and she and they still are.  Don’t miss an episode.

NPR fresh air why
best podcasts you need to hear



This podcast has been selected iTunes’ BEST OF for a variety of years — and for good reason.  #1 NYT Bestseller Tim Ferris deconstructs the best of the best in the field of art, music, sports, etc.  My favorite part is he asks what we all want to know from our cultural heroes.  “What is your morning routine?”

 Don’t miss any of his upcoming guests. Also, go back to his pieces on Edward Norton, Tony Robbins, Rick Rubin and so many more.

best podcasts you need to hear | THE TIM FERRIS SHOW
Tim Ferriss Podcast


AN INTERVIEW WITH THE ONE AND ONLY MARGARET CHO.  We talk shop on her album, music-making, children, miscarriages, happiness, sadness, and my favorite part…being Korean.  

Margaret will also be a KIMCHI + CHALLAH guest next month! Stay tuned!


As the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 continues to spread, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has instructed us to wash our hands regularly (and properly) to prevent the spread. We should be scrubbing for at least 20 seconds, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers and washing down surfaces with Chlorox wipes. We have all been…

It is extremely crucial to many consumers who have celiac disease or gluten intolerance (such as myself) to know what is in the food they purchase. We have seen so many products marked Gluten Free; but over the years, many brands have been slapping on those words without the official Gluten Free certification. Therefore, certain groups…

WHO IS BLAKE LEEPER? Blake Leeper is a man of immeasurable magnitude. Born with no legs to stand on, he was told by doctors that he would never walk a day in his life. Yet today, his stance is intentionally positioned and his strides are of greater postured intention than all of the humans I…