She’s a dear friend and an inspiring one I’ve written about a few times. Maurissa Tancharoen Whedon has been hailed a Lupus Warrior hero, an untouchable Hollywood titan (she is the creator and showrunner of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., alongside husband Jed) — and now her newest feat is accomplishing the role of a doting, loving and loved mother to daughter, Benny Sue – a baby girl who has already defied all odds and is taking on the world, just like her parents.
Despite her physical setbacks (suffering from Lupus since her early teens), Maurissa is probably one of the greatest role models for Asian American women and women in general. With a mere 100 lbs to her name, she’s a defiant heavyweight who accepts no obstacles. Because of her health issues, she has always been very conscientious about what foods and products went into and onto her body. So it’s of not surprise that she uses this same wise meticulousness when it comes to her child.
Here, Maurissa tells us what she has used since her daughter was a newborn and what she recommends for yours.
She, too, shares with us how her life has changed since becoming a mother — and her top tips on how she survived her previous seemingly insurmountable career struggles and landed where she is today.
Enjoy! And congrats to Maurissa and her man! [adsenseyu1]
Top 4 favorite baby products / items
1. Babo Botanicals Product Line
My little one was born early at 29 weeks and spent the first three months of her life in the NICU. So when we finally brought her home, we wanted nothing but the purest, most organic, non-toxic everything for her. Babo’s line has a very clean ingredients list and smells heavenly without any synthetic fragrances. Their diaper rash cream uses zinc oxide along with natural soothers like Vitamin E, watercress and beeswax.

2. Aden and Anais Sleeping Bag
I’m obsessed with everything they make. Beautiful prints on soft, breathable cotton. The sleeping bag is a lifesaver, especially if you have a baby that likes to move a lot in her sleep. It’s an extra layer over her long pj’s during the colder months, and it breathes enough to throw over a onesie during the summertime. It also zips open from the bottom so late night diaper changes are a breeze.

3. Boiron Camilla
Homeopathic teething relief that comes in single oral liquid doses. Don’t get me wrong, we definitely break out the Children’s Tylenol or Motrin when the shit hits the fan, but Camilia does help to ease the pain.

4. Biobu Bambino Kid Set
When it comes to meals, I like any dinnerware that is dishwasher safe because it makes my life 100 times easier. We basically use this set for every meal at home or on the go. Biobu’s durable dinnerware is great for toddlers and a nice alternative to the traditional plastics. Everything is made with bamboo, a highly-renewable natural resource, so this line is not only practical, but eco-friendly to boot!

Top Ways Life Has Changed Since Becoming A Mommy
I thought I had a good handle on who I was. Or at least who I perceived myself to be. It took me damn near forty years to figure all of that out and to be fairly comfortable with the conclusion.
Then I met my daughter and she turned my entire world upside down. With that said…
- There are bits of avocado and pasta in my hair right now as I type this.
- I’ve embraced primary colored plastic contraptions as part of our home aesthetic.
- Every fiber of my being is now wired to my beautiful little daughter and I can’t believe how happy/confused/exhausted/grateful that makes me.
- My heart is bursting every day.
Top Tips on How to Achieve Your Dream