We drink our greens, we eagle wrap our arms, we sweat in sauna capsules and freeze in time capsules. I just finished reading “Fitness Junkie” – a fun and fast satirical read that alludes to TT’s, Gwynnie’s and SoulCycle’s cult following (thank you, Cindy Whitehead, for the loan!) – and it encapsulated all the trends our health-crazed culture is obsessed with. Myself included. If you need beach reading for the Holidays, bring it along!
And who are the ones leading our hot yoga, soul cycling, souping, brothing, juicing, paleo, pegan, vegan lifestyle overhauls? It’s an uber cool crew of gorgeously fit gurus and spiritual gangsters whom we can find in the form of bloggers, vloggers, instructors, and entrepreneurs. Here’s my list of the best health and wellness blogs and influencers – all my fave obsessions.
He also specializes in studying the influence of various means on male potency. Details of his work can be found on the website
ASHLEY BORDEN is the prime example of one who is always searching and seeking to become the best version of herself — and is aiming for us to do the same. She embodies balance, strength, empowerment – and is always sure to laugh and not take life too seriously. She makes health, wellness and fitness fun — and I’m lucky to call her a friend.
Her SOS food plan is so easy to follow (and works well for my body) — and I’m a sucker for her BODY FOUNDATION fitness program.
She’s been talking about myofascial release for eons (!) – way before it became an infomercial fad — and, well, whatever she’s been doing has been working. She isn’t just anti-aging…she’s reverse aging. I think she’s 46ish (?) – and she’s never looked leaner and more gorgeous.
She trains the greatest of the great – from RYAN GOSLING, CHRISTINA AGUILERA, REESE WITHERSPOON, AKIVA GOLDSMAN and more!
Be sure to catch her on the upcoming season of REVENGE BODY with KHLOE KARDASHIAN. It premieres on Sunday, January 7th at 10pm!

ARIANNA HUFFINGTON left the conglom that she created (THE HUFFINGTON POST) to commit herself to health, wellness and THRIVE GLOBAL. She’s my idol. I love her new start up, her new podcast – and everything she says about The Sleep Revolution and enhancing performance by slowing down. If she’s this successful and she can do it, we can do it too. I love her focus on shifting our culture. It’s just the medicine we need.
I did an interview with podcaster, YouTuber, blogger, author– LAURYN EVARTS aka THE SKINNY CONFIDENTIAL a few months ago. And I hunted her down with my request, not only because she is just overall fab — but because she offers up amazing tips in all areas of life that I’m interested in. Whether it’s in the health and wellness sphere, home design, beauty or fashion – she, as she would put it, knows her shit.
She isn’t a trained nutritionist or dietitian – but she works with the best of the best — and then gives you the dish for free on her blog and podcast. She also has an incredible THE SKINNY CONFIDENTIAL BOMBSHELL BODY GUIDE which is a full-on nutrition and fitness regimen (with an anti-inflammatory plan!), where she acts as your virtual trainer through the TSC chat room.
Her sarcasm and sassy humor make her so lovable — and her easy healthy recipes are the jam!
Like this one and this one and that one.

She was Soul Cycle before there was Soul Cycle.
I used to follow STACEY GRIFFITH like people follow The Dead. She taught a WEHO Equinox spin class at 1:00 pm years ago. And there I was, claiming my bike at 12:00 pm alongside my friends Sydney and Gina. She had a cult-like following 10 years ago — and evidently, that same stature and magnetic aura are still manifesting and even more so now that she’s on the East Coast. Her radness and light have been democratized to the mass ever since OPRAH hailed her excellence and enlisted her to be part of OPRAH’S “The Life You Want” weekend tour a few years back.
If you haven’t taken a class from her, you need to. She gets you in a deep meditative zone. She can mute her music and the trance you’re in remains loud. And now she has a book out called Two Turns from Zero: Pushing to Higher Fitness Goals–Converting Them to Life Strength. Imagine my gasp.

KATIE WELLS is THE WELLNESS MAMA — and she gives you the herbs and science-backed lecture behind holistic and homeopathic healing — and does so in a digestible and motherly way. I put her on my fave lifestyle blogs list a while back — and she for sure has earned her space on my list of the top health and wellness sites. She guides you through reducing anxiety, stress, digestive issues and wrinkles – whether it’s through oiling pulling, essential oils or brothing.

I learned about holistic nutritionist, KELLY LEVEQUE when Lewis Howes featured her on one of his amazing podcasts. But where have I been? Molly Sims and Jessica Alba have been swearing by Kelly and Kelly’s Fab Four Smoothie (which consists of protein, fat, fiber and greens!)! Meanwhile, I’ve just been catching on. The best part is her background is in the medical field — and she has all the educational and practical know-how to show us what’s up.
Her book, “Body Love” is gorgeous and colorful – just like she is.

And speaking of LEWIS HOWES, he’s one of the top podcasters, authors, bloggers out there in this space — and I’m always so thrilled when a new podcast episode pops up on my phone. He has a very holistic approach — urging self-healing and self-betterment for your physical and mental well-being. His podcast covers the best of the best in the wellth industry – from Dave Asprey, Kelly Leveque (see above) to JJ Virgin and Shawn Stevenson.
He urges us that personal greatness, success (and dreams!) are unleashed once you start nourishing your sacred minds and bodies.
Oh, and he has a fab new book out called The Mask of Masculinity – a follow up to his NYT Bestseller, The School of Greatness!
The YOGA JOURNAL is the OG of yoga, yogi and meditation literature. The articles are self questioning, intellectual and deep – or cool and fun (like their write ups on crystals and yoga gear!).
I always start flipping through the pages in the Whole Foods checkout line – and then end up throwing it in my shopping basket. I know, I just need to suck it up and get a subscription.
Before he became a hugely successful celebrity, the face of health and wellness — and the CEO/Founder of YES YOU CAN!, ALEJANDRO CHABAN suffered from childhood obesity and humiliating bullying. However, he turned his victimhood into self-empowerment — and has now dedicated his life to guiding others so that they, too, can achieve this same victory of transformation. He nourishes his audience and readers and brings them to a path of health, wellness, self confidence and happiness.
I interviewed him earlier this year and he was nothing less than what I imagined him to be. A beautiful person inside and out, humble, grateful and a man who doesn’t take himself too seriously. He embodies health and wellness from the inside out.
He is now the author of the NYT besteller, “Think Skinny, Feel Fit” — and in it, he shares with us the 7 secrets to his success – which are grounded in positive thinking, meditation, and self-acceptance.

The brains and beauties (Suzanne Hall and Alyssa Mandel) behind Pressed Juicery (mmmm Greens 3) conjured up this heavenly haven. The Chalkboard Mag is the guide to living well, offering up all the intel on alternative health, celeb profiles and the latest trends. And there are tons of fab Q+As.
Oh! And awesome pieces that you can read in private. Like bits on pelvic massages and Diva cups.
The editors and writers are so lucky that they get to dish on this all day.
Now I just wish they had a podcast.
The fab site WELL+GOOD is very similar aesthetically and in content to THE CHALKBOARD MAG — so what’s not to love? The founders are real journalists who have always kept their pulse on all the health and wellness trends – hence, the fab writing and stunning photography. They have so much good content, I can’t keep up!
They give you the behind the scenes first! – like the expansion on offerings at SoulCycle….or how to use magnesium to treat anxiety, migraines, IBS and bloating simultaneously.
To start, check out their holiday gift guides!
All Hail the Chief! He never puts out a post on any health topic unless it’s the best post on that topic on the internet. This clinical nutritionist/certified doctor of natural medicine/doctor of chiropractic shows us all the awesome ways to heal naturally — from SBO probiotics and the benefits of eating dirt – to healing leaky gut and avoiding 6 metabolism death foods (peanut butter, what?!).
He has a webstore that serves up collagen, bone broth, essential oils – and my fave, his SBO probiotics.
And he too has an awesome book out called EAT DIRT.

MELISSA HARTWIG is the embodiment of health — and we know her as the brains, brawn and fit beauty behind the the NYT bestseller THEWHOLE30 as well as the Whole 30 program.
I recommend her program for anyone and everyone who’s trying to rid themselves of aches, chronic pains, digestive and autoimmune issues. I followed it and it was the hardest thing I did. But now it’s my norm and I don’t even think twice about it. I just cringe over how I used to put all that crap into my body.
She’s a former model turned crunchy health and wellness addict whose aim is to get her body and her household rid of all gross toxins. She’s the queen of DIY and conscious living. Check her out if you haven’t already!
Yes, this is an obvious one. MINDBODYGREEN covers everything from alternative medicine, holistic lifestyles, spiritual and physical exercises, celebrity nutritionists and all the hip new fitness joints blanketing our culture. It’s the CNN of the health world.
Jason Wachob is the CEO and FOUNDER of the incredible lifestyle media conglom and is a crusader in the work life balance movement.
And last, but not least….
This man needs no introduction….Who isn’t obsessed? TONY ROBBINS is the primary influence for many of the influencers I listed above. (STACEY GRIFFITHS alluded to him all the time during our spin climbs.) He’s the Rick James to your Prince. Sans the rivalry.
If there’s anyone who teachers you how to kickass in life and overhaul your life in terms of health, wellness and spiritual/personal/emotional/financial pursuits, it’s TONY ROBBINS. He buffs up the soul first and then shows you how that emotional fine tuning can and will bleed into all areas of your life. He is the pinnacle of health, wellness and spiritual nourishment – and I love everything he represents.
Here’s a link to his latest book. I think it’s his 1,057,901st NYT bestseller.
