I reiterate to my daughters that girls like CINDY WHITEHEAD (and Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Sonia Sotomayor, Sheryl Sandberg, etc.) are exceptional girls. They accept no boundaries, see no ceilings, and they feel no weakness. They have never perceived themselves as lesser than. So last night, my five-year-old Eliana and I had a little chat over pizza dinner discussing Cindy’s history. So I explained to her why her actions have led her to become immortalized at the Smithsonian and the Skateboarding Hall of Fame. Plus, why all women need to cement her sort of psyche into their own psyches – in all spheres of life.
In sports, politics, U.S. presidency, media, medicine, tech, science, art. Then we headed over to my favorite bookstore BOOK SOUP, where CINDY discussed and signed her latest prized feat — her It’s Not About Pretty book.
As expected, the book is deep, aesthetically marvelous and visually disruptive (in the best way). But the message it transcends is even louder. CINDY’S crazy-talented, award-winning and English accented husband, IAN LOGAN shot the shots and a team of three called the shots — on which of the 40,000 images he’s captured over the years would make it to this glossy encapsulation of skateboarding girls and Girls Skateboarding. Pro skateboarder HUNTER LONG joined them in their discussion – and she was so inspiring, humble and wise beyond her 22 years.
Here are some photos to highlight the fun of the night.