++ Here are some words to read assuring us we’re not alone – and some other words and reminders that suggest we can be alright. Yes, we all fell in the aftermath of Trump — but let’s rise against and rise again. ++
+ From Lena Dunham.
+ From my friends’ terrified 12-year-old daughter who has been watching all of this unfold.
+ And this awesome, brave woman who went to school with Trump’s daughter, Tiffany.
+ And this guy who successfully reiterates all the crap circulating our heads.
+ Also, a man who reminds us we live in a Republic so long as we can keep it.
+ this.
+ And from yours truly.
+ Some hope?
+ a bright side?
+ But first — let’s sign this and get on with the struggle.
+++ Love to you all. Keep your heads up and let’s start a revolution. Have a beautiful and powerful weekend. Do some homework. We have a lot to do in the aftermath of Trump.