The production of collagen in the skin comes to a screeching halt after the age of 25, so they say. Witnessing it first hand by my own fine lines, wrinkles and dulling of the skin, I’ve been obsessed with all things anti-aging. This include lotions, potions, supplements and greens. I have tried everything under the sun, except for injections, fillers and surgery. (No, thank you.) I’ve been obsessed with habitual applications of sunscreen since I was 14. Thanks to my old school Korean dermatologist. I have always held a penchant for promising night creams in pretty packaging.
One of my favorite tried and true skincare products is my sonic cleansing brush, the Clarisonic Mia! I only use it once a week (although it’s gentle enough for twice daily use) — and it achieves what I want it to achieve. It cleans, exfoliates and sloughs away your dead skin (without irritation or redness!) leaving my skin soft and smooth and reducing the appearance of fine lines. If you have a problem with large pores, the Clarisonic will be especially effective.
I love this brush for many reasons. Not only can I say good riddance to my superficial dead snake skin (and hello to my next dewy epidermis layer!) — but it allows my skin care lotions and creams to penetrate deeply and more effectively. There’s no better feeling than brusha brusha brushing the face at nighttime, applying your magical lotions — and then getting into bed with a clean and nourished face.
If you use the Clarisonic in the morning — that too is a win. It will allow your makeup (foundation especially) to go on smoothly and without blotchiness. You can skip to work with a glow!
Go for it and brush up!
